Who is to blame?

As the world slides into its next recession, there will be plenty of blame going around. At the top of the list will be the Covid-19 pandemic and Putin’s war in Ukraine. Both are an attempt at redirection.

The roots of the recession long precede the war. Symptoms already became evident with the rise in inflation during 2021, and the disruptions to supply chains that are blamed on the global pandemic. 

The global pandemic did not cause the problems – it was the response of world leaders that was. They keep telling us that they are following the science. But, let’s look at what the science tells us.

Very early in the pandemic it became evident that the virus did not affect everyone equally. In fact,40.2% of those who are infected are asymptomatic. Yet, very little research was done to establish any commonality among those who were immune to the disease. At the same time, it became clear that countries with high obesity rates have high mortality rates, while those with low obesity rates suffer far fewer deaths.

An analysis of the death certificates of those who died within 28 days of contracting Covid-19 confirms the suspicion that people with compromised immune systems are at risk of dying from Covid. Slightly less that 88% of those who died of the virus also suffered from one of the 10 major causes of death. All of these are associated with low HRV. It is safe to conclude that the remaining 12%, while not diagnosed with an ailment, had a poor immune system that made them vulnerable to the disease.

To some degree, scientists acknowledged this by suggesting that people over 65 are those most at risk. This gross generalisation is the start of the problem. While it is true that as we get older our immune system becomes weaker, there are also many young people who have a compromised immune systems, and masses of people over 65 who enjoy good health. And it’s easy to differentiate who falls into which group without having to resort to inappropriate classification. HRV is the measure of the immune system.

Accurately identifying the vulnerable makes it possible to implement strategies that could have avoided the draconian measures that were adopted. Shutting down economies, which is the foundation for the coming recession, was unnecessary.

Having been identified as vulnerable because of a poor immune system, those are the people would have needed to isolate from the rest of society. Similarly, Covid infection shows up immediately in the HRV numbers, even among people who are otherwise asymptomatic. With this as a warning, it would have been possible to prevent the spread of infection to the vulnerable by making it obligatory that those potentially infected do not come into contact with those who who could potentially die from the disease. 

That would have allowed those people who are active participants in the economy to carry on with their lives, as they do with any the other virus. 

The vaccine has played an important part in mitigating the impact of Covid on those who are vulnerable, but it certainly was not necessary to vaccinate entire populations.

While the pandemic was playing out, there was a repeated refrain from scientists saying that they needed more data. Now that they have the data, they are being awfully quiet. Perhaps that’s because the advice that they offered at the time was not supported by the evidence that was available even then.

History will not look on them kindly.

We have the data to support these conclusions. And we are happy to debate the subject with any of those scientists and politicians who have misguidedly brought us to where we are today.