The HRV Health subscription plan

HRV Health has introduced a subscription plan for our more advanced features. The basic heart rate variability services remain free for users.

The services which require a subscription are:

  • ECG readings;
  • Followers and following;
  • Recovery including Poincaré plot;

The ECG readings consume extraordinarily amounts of storage, and with some users abusing this, it has become necessary to charge for this service. 

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The followers and following is aimed primarily at the professional medical market. This is a service that allows professional medical practitioners to follow the progress of their patients. It is a service for which they are charging to their patients, and in turn for which they should be charged.

The recovery service is in competition with a market segment for which our competitors are charging hundreds of dollars. Our focus on quality puts on an equal footing with them. Our pricing at a fraction of theirs, puts us ahead. 

Our subscriptions are:

  • Monthly: CHF1.35
  • Yearly: CHF12.35

We remain committed to our primary objective: addressing the prohibitive cost of healthcare in Switzerland and around the world.


Measures heart rate variability (HRV)
Members can subscribe to special healthcare insurance policies that reward them for positive lifestyle choices.
Measures stress.
Heart rate variability (HRV) and blood pressure graph.
HRV Health is able to place the user's health and fitness results into percentiles of the population.
The user can request to be alerted when trends develop that require attention.
Users can make comments explaining the circumstances of the results on display.
Allows user to record blood pressure.
User can export all their data and have it automatically sent to themselves.
The science behind heart rate variability is firmly established and supported by a vast body of research by leading scientists and academics.
There are graphs of the user's HRV, Poincaré plot, health, stress, and ECG.
Measures resting heart rate.
The user and supporting professionals are able to see the raw HRV data.
User able to archive readings.
The is a simple app manual to guide users through setting up the communication between the app, the heart rate monitor, and the HRV Health platform.
User able to remove readings.
User can produce a complete list of their readings in PDF format.
Measures respiration rate.
Measures coefficient of variance.
Export HRV readings to Kubios applications
A comprehensive user manual is available for download.
Results can be updated.
Users can deregister.
User can test their stress levels using the SRRS life change units scale
Create a desktop icon for automatic login.
Measures resting heart rate.
Users can join groups
Data is secured using the Polar H10 heart rate monitor device ID.
User can hide reading that have results they would prefer not to see.
Golden Cheetah users can export their HRV Health data into a file which is sent to their registered email address.
Users can delete all their data.
Users can give their doctors real-time access to the user's ECG readings
Users are now able to take ECG readings with the Polar H10 heart rate monitor and the HRV Health Pro app.
Users have a visual interpretation of their ECG readings.
The recovery system provides a recommendation of whether athletes are fully recovered and ready for a strenuous workout, or not.
Medical professionals, health insurers, family members and friends who are granted the user's permission can view the users data.
Friends and family can give the user kudos.
The HRV Health AI system interprets daily results and provides users with meaningful feedback about what their numbers mean.
User's have a complete list of all the people whose data they have been granted access to view.
Health professionals and insurers who are granted access can see which percentile the user falls, providing a real assessment of the users health and fitness.
User's can grant rights for people to view their data by simply adding the user's registered email address.
Users have a list of people who are permitted to view their data.
Rights to view user's data can be instantly revoked.
People who have been given access to view their client or patient's data can save and print and save the data in PDF form
The reading plot provides a graphical representation of the reading inter-beat intervals.
Users can produce a print version of their ECG to forward to their doctor.