Using the new HRV Health iOS app

The HRV Health apps are designed to collect your HRV and ECG data. The real value of the HRV Health system resides on the Platform, where you are able to view your results, interpretations and health  trends, showing improvements, and the long term impact of events that have affected your health. There are a number… Continue reading Using the new HRV Health iOS app

How to take the HRV and ECG readings properly

Taking the HRV and ECG readings properly is simple once you know how. This is a guideline on how to achieve the most reliable results. In order to get reliable HRV and ECG results with the HRV Health apps, please follow these steps: Take the readings regularly, preferably each day, with only one reading per… Continue reading How to take the HRV and ECG readings properly

The HRV Health reading interpretatation

The HRV Health reading interpretation provides an in depth analysis of the reading. This feature is only available to lifetime members, subscribers, and new users during the trial period. The interpretation is only produced when there are at least five days readings within the last ten days. Trying to take five readings on the same… Continue reading The HRV Health reading interpretatation

Ageing, exercise, and HRV

Proven to protect against a wide array of diseases, exercise may be the most powerful anti-aging intervention known to science[1]Researchers shed light on how exercise preserves physical fitness during aging[2]Exercise preserves physical fitness during aging through AMPK and mitochondrial dynamics. As we age, our fitness drops off faster, and recovery takes longer. Our training needs to adapt… Continue reading Ageing, exercise, and HRV

RMSSD by age and gender

The HRV Health system produces a metric called “Percentile” which reflects the percentile into which the RMSSD result fits, relative to the general population by age and gender. This is the base data that our algorithm uses to produce the Percentile result. RMSSD and HRV Score by age and gender[1]Short-term heart rate variability–influence of gender… Continue reading RMSSD by age and gender

Sleep tracking

I’ve always been able to sleep well, until I couldn’t. It happened while I was in Vietnam where I’d been living for a couple of years. Vietnam has the second highest road mortality rate in South-East Asia. In a space of six months, I’d seen five, which made my favourite pastime, cycling, a bit of… Continue reading Sleep tracking