HRV and ageing

IMG 0487

Age is a disease. That’s Dr David Sinclair’s point. It has all of the symptoms of a disease, and the only reason that it’s not classified as a disease is because everyone suffers it.  

So, how does it work? Cells are allocated to certain tasks within the body at birth. During life, they die off, and are replicated. It’s during that process that the ageing occurs. The body needs to get rid of the dead cells (senescent cells), and the replication needs to be prefect. Often the reproduction is flawed, like photocopies of photocopies, and cells become less effective at their job. 

The body also needs to rid itself of the senescent cells, and there is an effective process for doing that, called autophagy, which though our lifestyles we can either help, or hinder.

Now, the Dr Sinclair is talking about slowing and even reversing the ageing process.

The accumulation of senescent cells inhibits the body’s ability to create good replicas of cells, which is why it’s so important to get rid of them. More senescent cells equals faster ageing.

The environment factors that influence our ability to produce healthy cells are exercise, diet, and supplements.

Adversity builds strength. Our modern lifestyles protect us from hunger and cold. Without these adversities, our bodies become complacent, and less effective.

Deficiencies in various vitamins will also accelerate the ageing process.

The best people to teach you about this are the scientists, here:

And here:

Read more:

The Science of Keeping the Brain Healthy

Heart rate variability as a marker of healthy ageing

The cerebellum ages slowly according to the epigenetic clock

Epigenetic clock for skin and blood cells applied to Hutchinson Gilford Progeria Syndrome and ex vivo studies

SIRT1 Redistribution on Chromatin Promotes Genomic Stability but Alters Gene Expression during Aging

Mediterranean Diet, Alzheimer Disease Biomarkers, and Brain Atrophy in Old Age

Mediterranean diet and cognitive health: Initial results from the Hellenic Longitudinal Investigation of Ageing and Diet

Effects of Physical Exercise on Plasma Levels of Brain-Derived Neurotrophic Factor and Depressive Symptoms in Elderly Women—A Randomized Clinical Trial