HRV and COVID-19

Analysing the statistics for COVID-19 for England and Wales[1]Pre-existing conditions of people who died due to COVID-19, England and Wales produces some newsworthy findings.  Looking at the 2020 figures, there is an increase of 77,081 in the number of deaths, from 530,841 to 607,922 with the largest proportion attributed to COVID-19 (73,766). It appears that… Continue reading HRV and COVID-19

What to do when you are ill

What do you do when your HRV figures plummet and you don’t feel well. Low HRV figures are a signal. Athletes see it when they take a reading immediately after an intense workout. Post workout readings are dramatic. The reading an hour later shows the powers of recovery, with numbers often better than the morning… Continue reading What to do when you are ill