Ten most common causes of death in the USA

This list is published in anticipation of our article covering the research that confirms how heart rate variability can be used to reduce mortality from the the most common causes of death in the USA. Our research has now been published and can be found here. 1. HEART DISEASE – 655,381 DEATHS PER YEAR Heart… Continue reading Ten most common causes of death in the USA

The science of breathing

Heart rate variability is integral to the science of breathing. As we breathe in, our heart rate accelerates. As we breathe out, it decelerates. That produces the variations in the interbeat interval that we call heart rate variability. Breathing is almost unique among the bodily functions. It can be voluntary or involuntary with each controlled… Continue reading The science of breathing

Alcohol and HRV

The effect of alcohol can be clearly seen in the HRV metrics after a heavy night of drinking. The impact is astonishing. Although the RMSSD numbers drop dramatically, they do bounce back after a couple of days. That may give the impression that avoiding heavy drinking is the solution, and that moderate consumption is fine.… Continue reading Alcohol and HRV

Breathing to improve your health

Wim Hof breathing improves HRV metrics We’re always interested when any of our users starts getting better HRV numbers. Recently a few of our users started to show the kinds of improvements we all dream about. What was even more interesting is that these are people whose numbers were already very good. They were emphatic… Continue reading Breathing to improve your health