We have recently developed an algorithm that calculates the user’s HRV age from to their health metrics, making it easier for users to see how good their health really is.  If your HRV age is lower than your chronological age, you’re in good health. It also provides the benefit that users can see the age… Continue reading HRV Age

How much alcohol is good for you?

The answer is none. Yes, there is plenty of research saying the opposite, and I’ll cover how that came about. The latest research proves that our beliefs about alcohol were wrong. In 1991 an academic debate spilled out of ivory towers and into the popular imagination. That year, Serge Renaud, a celebrated and charismatic alcohol… Continue reading How much alcohol is good for you?

Obesity is rising worldwide

More than a billion people are living with obesity around the world, global estimates published in The Lancet show[1]Worldwide trends in underweight and obesity from 1990 to 2022: a pooled analysis of 3663 population-representative studies with 222 million children, adolescents, and adults[2]More than one billion people are living with obesity.  The international team of scientists… Continue reading Obesity is rising worldwide

Obesity in Switzerland

More than a billion people are living with obesity around the world, global estimates published in The Lancet show[1]Worldwide trends in underweight and obesity from 1990 to 2022: a pooled analysis of 3663 population-representative studies with 222 million children, adolescents, and adults[2]More than one billion people are living with obesity.  The international team of scientists… Continue reading Obesity in Switzerland

Exercising with HRV

HRV has been helping elite athletes to achieve peak performance for the past couple of decades. At HRV Health, we have developed algorithms that assist athletes to achieve their best, and our tests prove that they are effective. This is a service only available during the trial period and to subscribers. The way you exercise,… Continue reading Exercising with HRV

How medical arrogance kills

After becoming disillusioned with the study of law, Ignatz Semmelweis, a young Hungarian, moved to the study of medicine, graduating with a medical degree from the prestigious University of Vienna in 1844. He applied for positions in pathology and then medicine, but received rejections in both, probably because he was both Hungarian and Jewish. Obstetrics,… Continue reading How medical arrogance kills

RMSSD by age and gender

The HRV Health system produces a metric called “Percentile” which reflects the percentile into which the RMSSD result fits, relative to the general population by age and gender. This is the base data that our algorithm uses to produce the Percentile result. RMSSD and HRV Score by age and gender[1]Short-term heart rate variability–influence of gender… Continue reading RMSSD by age and gender