Sleep tracking

I’ve always been able to sleep well, until I couldn’t. It happened while I was in Vietnam where I’d been living for a couple of years. Vietnam has the second highest road mortality rate in South-East Asia. In a space of six months, I’d seen five, which made my favourite pastime, cycling, a bit of… Continue reading Sleep tracking

Improving your numbers: the athlete’s guide

Fitness technology can be incredibly powerful and deliver better results…or it can be a complete waste of time and money. The difference lies in understanding how to make it work for you. To get the most out of heart rate variability, follow these five simple and effective tips and watch your fitness transform from the… Continue reading Improving your numbers: the athlete’s guide

Sleep, health and HRV

Doctors often prescribe sleep as the remedy to illness. It’s true that sleep is critical in the prevention of Alzheimers Disease[1]Sleep: a novel mechanistic pathway, biomarker, and treatment target in the pathology of alzheimer’s disease?, various cancers, diabetes, hypertension[2]Overanxious and underslept., pneumonia[3]A prospective study of sleep duration and pneumonia risk in women., heart disease and… Continue reading Sleep, health and HRV