The UN is past its sell by date

After Ban Ki-moon, the outgoing Secretary General of the United Nations announced that he was standing for Korea’s presidency, based on his performance at the UN, I wrote an article giving prospective voters an insight into the reality of that performance[1]UNacceptable. Nothing to do with the article, but he stood down pretty soon afterwards. The… Continue reading The UN is past its sell by date

Sleep tracking

I’ve always been able to sleep well, until I couldn’t. It happened while I was in Vietnam where I’d been living for a couple of years. Vietnam has the second highest road mortality rate in South-East Asia. In a space of six months, I’d seen five, which made my favourite pastime, cycling, a bit of… Continue reading Sleep tracking

Are we being lied to again?

Switzerland’s Federal Office of Public Health (FOPH) has recommended NO Covid vaccination for Spring /Summer 2023. Their reasons are that nearly everyone in Switzerland has either been infected, or been vaccinated, and the the current version of the virus is mild. Even people who are in the high risk category are not advised to get… Continue reading Are we being lied to again?

Our problem with the FOPH

When I first read Health2030 – the Federal Council’s health policy strategy for the period 2020–2030, I was excited at the prospect of a government agency that understood the challenges it was facing, and had a clear plan of how to address them[1]The Federal Council’s health policy strategy 2020–2030. It seemed to have objectives for… Continue reading Our problem with the FOPH

Buying votes

In August 2005, Raghuram Rajan, at the time a virtually unknown economist at the University of Chicago’s Booth School of Business, predicted the financial crisis[1]Larry Summers vs. the long-termers. He was at a conference of high-powered economists who had convened in part to honor Federal Reserve Chairman Alan Greenspan. Larry Summers[2]Served as 71st United States… Continue reading Buying votes


Die Gesundheitsversorgung in der Schweiz kostet heute mehr als 11.000 US-Dollar pro Person und Jahr und ist damit die teuerste der Welt. Gemäss KVG, dem Krankenpflege- und Krankenversicherungsgesetz, ist die Versicherung obligatorisch, und die Ärmsten werden vom Wohnkanton subventioniert. Abgesehen davon, dass es eine Lücke zwischen dem Gesetz und der Praxis gibt. Ich falle in… Continue reading Hungerstreik

Hunger strike

Healthcare in Switzerland now costs in excess of US$11,000 per person per annum, making it the world’s most expensive. Under the LAMal, the legislation covering healthcare and healthcare insurance, insurance is mandatory, and the poorest are subsidised by the canton in which they live.  Except that there is a gap between the law and the… Continue reading Hunger strike