Modern medical myths

I have recently published a series of articles exposing how the arrogance of the medical fraternity caused deaths in the 19th century[1]Smallpox[2]How medical arrogance kills[3]John Snow and Cholera. Reading the articles, many people may think that today we have modern science making sure that these episodes are so much history. It’s not history. Ben Goldacre,… Continue reading Modern medical myths

How medical arrogance kills

After becoming disillusioned with the study of law, Ignatz Semmelweis, a young Hungarian, moved to the study of medicine, graduating with a medical degree from the prestigious University of Vienna in 1844. He applied for positions in pathology and then medicine, but received rejections in both, probably because he was both Hungarian and Jewish. Obstetrics,… Continue reading How medical arrogance kills


The pandemic with the highest mortality rate in the era before the 18th century was smallpox.  In England. 10% of deaths were due to the infection.  It had been known in ancient China, India and Africa and may have reached Greece and Rome in classical times. It certainly affected the Crusaders, who brought it home… Continue reading Smallpox

Are we being lied to again?

Switzerland’s Federal Office of Public Health (FOPH) has recommended NO Covid vaccination for Spring /Summer 2023. Their reasons are that nearly everyone in Switzerland has either been infected, or been vaccinated, and the the current version of the virus is mild. Even people who are in the high risk category are not advised to get… Continue reading Are we being lied to again?

Our problem with the FOPH

When I first read Health2030 – the Federal Council’s health policy strategy for the period 2020–2030, I was excited at the prospect of a government agency that understood the challenges it was facing, and had a clear plan of how to address them[1]The Federal Council’s health policy strategy 2020–2030. It seemed to have objectives for… Continue reading Our problem with the FOPH

Generics – a simple way to reduce healthcare costs

Pharmaceuticals constitute 15.6% of worldwide healthcare costs. That number is already being reduced in countries that have adopted an active policy to use generic drugs instead of their more expensive branded equivalents. Understanding the mechanics is important. What are generics drugs? Generic drugs are the pharmaceutical equivalent of the original product that was covered under… Continue reading Generics – a simple way to reduce healthcare costs

Switzerland’s healthcare is now the world’s most expensive.

Switzerland’s healthcare is now the world’s most expensive. That should worry the people who have the responsibility to the citizens of this country, the FOPH, the politicians and the health insurers. It certainly worries us, the people who are paying for it.  On 24 January 2023, I wrote a letter to the members of the… Continue reading Switzerland’s healthcare is now the world’s most expensive.

Letter to the Swiss Federal Parliament

I have regularly expressed my concerns over the unsustainable rise in the cost of health insurance in Switzerland. One of my first articles was about Switzerland’s healthcare problem. So I wrote a letter to our members of parliament. Each letter was personally addressed to the recipient. This is what it said: The cost of health… Continue reading Letter to the Swiss Federal Parliament

Warum wird uns nicht die Wahrheit gesagt?

“There are three kinds of lies: lies, damned lies, and statistics” – Mark Twain HRV Health wurde gegründet, um die untragbaren Kosten des Gesundheitswesens in der Schweiz anzugehen. Von diesem Ziel sind wir weit entfernt. Seit ich vor viereinhalb Jahren hierhergekommen bin, hat sich mein Krankenkassenbeitrag um fast 27 % erhöht. Im selben Zeitraum hat… Continue reading Warum wird uns nicht die Wahrheit gesagt?