Most common causes of death in Switzerland

The most common causes of death in Switzerland is almost identical to that of the USA[1]Ten most common causes of death in the USA. We have published an earlier article setting out how heart rate variability (HRV) can detect the ailments on this list, and how a healthier lifestyle can lead to a sginificant reduction… Continue reading Most common causes of death in Switzerland

Our problem with the FOPH

When I first read Health2030 – the Federal Council’s health policy strategy for the period 2020–2030, I was excited at the prospect of a government agency that understood the challenges it was facing, and had a clear plan of how to address them[1]The Federal Council’s health policy strategy 2020–2030. It seemed to have objectives for… Continue reading Our problem with the FOPH

Why you can’t trust doctors any more

Let’s look at the evidence of the past couple of years. When the Covid pandemic broke out in February 2020, the International press announced it as a pandemic. By then it had spread to Italy. The World Health Organisation initially denied that it was a pandemic[1]The great vaccinate debate, and then suddenly changed their minds.… Continue reading Why you can’t trust doctors any more

Switzerland’s healthcare is now the world’s most expensive.

Switzerland’s healthcare is now the world’s most expensive. That should worry the people who have the responsibility to the citizens of this country, the FOPH, the politicians and the health insurers. It certainly worries us, the people who are paying for it.  On 24 January 2023, I wrote a letter to the members of the… Continue reading Switzerland’s healthcare is now the world’s most expensive.

What is healthy?

Worldwide, healthcare costs $9.5 trillion annually. If it were a country, it would be the world’s third largest economy. And it is in trouble. Healthcare, in it’s current form contributes nothing to an economy, because it it reactive, dealing with health issues as they happen. With aging populations, healthcare costs are increasing at an unsustainable… Continue reading What is healthy?

The Healthcare crises

Healthcare costs are rising at an unsustainable rate. In America they are already 17.9% of GDP. The other rich economies are on the same trajectory.  Yet even with their sophisticated healthcare systems, it is these same countries whose hospitals were overwhelmed during the Covid-19 pandemic. The data show us why.  The countries that suffered the… Continue reading The Healthcare crises

The great vaccinate debate

We are seeing history repeat itself. The Ebola epidemic in West Africa was mishandled[1]Ebola’s lessons: How WHO mishandled the crisis. The people of the affected countries opposed the restrictions that prevented transmission, because their governments had a record of lying to their people. Why should they be trusted? And we looked on and said, “how… Continue reading The great vaccinate debate

Switzerland’s healthcare problem

Switzerland’s healthcare system is amongst the world’s best, when you need it, and the worst if you don’t need it or can’t afford it. Insurance premiums finance the health system. As with all insurance there is cross-subsidisation. But with Switzerland’s healthcare, it’s the poor subsidising the rich. Switzerland’s healthcare is the world’s second most expensive, after America.… Continue reading Switzerland’s healthcare problem