
The pandemic with the highest mortality rate in the era before the 18th century was smallpox.  In England. 10% of deaths were due to the infection.  It had been known in ancient China, India and Africa and may have reached Greece and Rome in classical times. It certainly affected the Crusaders, who brought it home… Continue reading Smallpox

RMSSD by age and gender

The HRV Health system produces a metric called “Percentile” which reflects the percentile into which the RMSSD result fits, relative to the general population by age and gender. This is the base data that our algorithm uses to produce the Percentile result. RMSSD and HRV Score by age and gender[1]Short-term heart rate variability–influence of gender… Continue reading RMSSD by age and gender

Why HRV poses a threat to doctors

One of HRV Health’s users (Jill) went for a required routine medical check-up. On reviewing Jill’s x-ray, the doctor concluded that she had “a problem” with her lungs, and could not grant medical clearance. Jill was devastated. Jill exercises daily, and her HRV metrics reflect that. We told her to get a second opinion. The… Continue reading Why HRV poses a threat to doctors

The Great Hunger

In 1840, the population of Ireland was over 8 million[1]The Great Irish Famine Was a Turning Point for Ireland and America. Today it is 5 million[2]Ireland Population. Between 1841 and 1850 one million died during the Great Hunger and another million emigrated.  During the 150th commemorations of the Famine, Britain’s Prime Minister Tony Blair expressed… Continue reading The Great Hunger

Artificial intelligence

Two things are infinite: The universe and human stupidity; and I’m not sure about the universe.Albert Einstein  Einstein’s genius was instrumental in the creation of the atomic bomb. When he became aware that his ideas were being used to develop the bomb, he warned FDR of the potential consequences[1]The Making of the Atomic Bomb. Einstein… Continue reading Artificial intelligence

The British genocide

Genocide: the deliberate killing of a large group of people, especially those of a particular nation or ethnic group. Oxford English Dictionary I was in the Republic of Georgia in the months preceding Russia’s invasion in 2008. The international intelligence agencies had been warning the Georgian President Mikheil Saakashvili not to succumb to Russian provocation.… Continue reading The British genocide

The great divide

When I was living in America, I often had the feeling that they were still fighting the civil war. After the war, Lincoln understood how divided the country had become, and determined that he needed to unite the country[1]Team of Rivals: The Political Genius of Abraham Lincoln. He had already started to implement his plans… Continue reading The great divide

We’re still not over the 2008 financial crises

A big proportion of wealth is a fiction. Before your natural instincts kick in, take a look at how much of finance works. Let’s use the example of Bitcoin, which until January 2009 did not exist. As of today, the total market capitalisation is over half a trillion US$[1]Bitcoin. And yet it’s nothing. It all… Continue reading We’re still not over the 2008 financial crises