Warum wird uns nicht die Wahrheit gesagt?

“There are three kinds of lies: lies, damned lies, and statistics” – Mark Twain HRV Health wurde gegründet, um die untragbaren Kosten des Gesundheitswesens in der Schweiz anzugehen. Von diesem Ziel sind wir weit entfernt. Seit ich vor viereinhalb Jahren hierhergekommen bin, hat sich mein Krankenkassenbeitrag um fast 27 % erhöht. Im selben Zeitraum hat… Continue reading Warum wird uns nicht die Wahrheit gesagt?

Lies, damn lies, and statistics

“There are three kinds of lies: lies, damned lies, and statistics” – Mark Twain HRV Health was created to address the unsustainable cost of healthcare in Switzerland. We are far from meeting that objective. Since arriving here four and a half years ago, my health insurance premium has increased by almost 27%. Over the same period… Continue reading Lies, damn lies, and statistics

The Healthcare crises

Healthcare costs are rising at an unsustainable rate. In America they are already 17.9% of GDP. The other rich economies are on the same trajectory.  Yet even with their sophisticated healthcare systems, it is these same countries whose hospitals were overwhelmed during the Covid-19 pandemic. The data show us why.  The countries that suffered the… Continue reading The Healthcare crises

COVID-19 is here for the long term

In 2000 Philip Morris in the Czech Republic commissioned a report that confirmed that smoking has a positive benefit on the cost of healthcare. The study found that smoking kills before other morbidities that require expensive treatment take hold, so saving the financial burden on the taxpayer[1]Public Finance Balance of Smoking in the Czech Republic.… Continue reading COVID-19 is here for the long term

Switzerland’s healthcare problem

Switzerland’s healthcare system is amongst the world’s best, when you need it, and the worst if you don’t need it or can’t afford it. Insurance premiums finance the health system. As with all insurance there is cross-subsidisation. But with Switzerland’s healthcare, it’s the poor subsidising the rich. Switzerland’s healthcare is the world’s second most expensive, after America.… Continue reading Switzerland’s healthcare problem