Switzerland’s healthcare is now the world’s most expensive. That should worry the people who have the responsibility to the citizens of this country, the FOPH, the politicians and the health insurers. It certainly worries us, the people who are paying for it. On 24 January 2023, I wrote a letter to the members of the… Continue reading Switzerland’s healthcare is now the world’s most expensive.
Tag: cost
Letter to the Swiss Federal Parliament
I have regularly expressed my concerns over the unsustainable rise in the cost of health insurance in Switzerland. One of my first articles was about Switzerland’s healthcare problem. So I wrote a letter to our members of parliament. Each letter was personally addressed to the recipient. This is what it said: The cost of health… Continue reading Letter to the Swiss Federal Parliament
Warum wird uns nicht die Wahrheit gesagt?
“There are three kinds of lies: lies, damned lies, and statistics” – Mark Twain HRV Health wurde gegründet, um die untragbaren Kosten des Gesundheitswesens in der Schweiz anzugehen. Von diesem Ziel sind wir weit entfernt. Seit ich vor viereinhalb Jahren hierhergekommen bin, hat sich mein Krankenkassenbeitrag um fast 27 % erhöht. Im selben Zeitraum hat… Continue reading Warum wird uns nicht die Wahrheit gesagt?
Mensonges et statistiques
“There are three kinds of lies: lies, damned lies, and statistics” – Mark Twain HRV Health a été créé pour faire face au coût insoutenable des soins de santé en Suisse. Nous sommes loin d’atteindre cet objectif. Depuis mon arrivée ici il y a quatre ans et demi, ma prime d’assurance maladie a augmenté de… Continue reading Mensonges et statistiques
Lies, damn lies, and statistics
“There are three kinds of lies: lies, damned lies, and statistics” – Mark Twain HRV Health was created to address the unsustainable cost of healthcare in Switzerland. We are far from meeting that objective. Since arriving here four and a half years ago, my health insurance premium has increased by almost 27%. Over the same period… Continue reading Lies, damn lies, and statistics
Why HRV Health is free
There are many people who think that because something is free, that’s what it’s worth. Our users ask how we can offer such a great product without any charge. What’s the catch? There is none. HRV Health started with a simple idea. The rising cost of healthcare is unsustainable. In 2018 (the latest year for… Continue reading Why HRV Health is free