RMSSD by age and gender

RMSSD and HRV Score by age and gender[1]Short-term heart rate variability–influence of gender and age in healthy subjects RMSSD is measured on a geometric scale. The HRV score is the RMSSD converted to an arithmetic scale. References[+] References ↑1 Short-term heart rate variability–influence of gender and age in healthy subjects

Why HRV poses a threat to doctors

One of HRV Health’s users (Jill) went for a required routine medical check-up. On reviewing Jill’s x-ray, the doctor concluded that she had “a problem” with her lungs, and could not grant medical clearance. Jill was devastated. Jill exercises daily, and her HRV metrics reflect that. We told her to get a second opinion. The… Continue reading Why HRV poses a threat to doctors

Sleep tracking

I’ve always been able to sleep well, until I couldn’t. It happened while I was in Vietnam where I’d been living for a couple of years. Vietnam has the second highest road mortality rate in South-East Asia. In a space of six months, I’d seen five, which made my favourite pastime, cycling, a bit of… Continue reading Sleep tracking

Surviving killer diseases with HRV

We recently published a list of the most common causes of death in the USA[1]Ten most common causes of death in the USA. The question is, can HRV help to reduce the mortality rate?. Low HRV is associated with: Heart disease Dementia (and to a lesser extent Alzheimer’s disease) Diabetes Depression and suicidal ideation HRV… Continue reading Surviving killer diseases with HRV

Why you can’t trust doctors any more

Let’s look at the evidence of the past couple of years. When the Covid pandemic broke out in February 2020, the International press announced it as a pandemic. By then it had spread to Italy. The World Health Organisation initially denied that it was a pandemic[1]The great vaccinate debate, and then suddenly changed their minds.… Continue reading Why you can’t trust doctors any more

Ten most common causes of death in the USA

This list is published in anticipation of our article covering the research that confirms how heart rate variability can be used to reduce mortality from the the most common causes of death in the USA. Our research has now been published and can be found here. 1. HEART DISEASE – 655,381 DEATHS PER YEAR Heart… Continue reading Ten most common causes of death in the USA

The science of breathing

Heart rate variability is integral to the science of breathing. As we breathe in, our heart rate accelerates. As we breathe out, it decelerates. That produces the variations in the interbeat interval that we call heart rate variability. Breathing is almost unique among the bodily functions. It can be voluntary or involuntary with each controlled… Continue reading The science of breathing