Surviving killer diseases with HRV

We recently published a list of the most common causes of death in the USA[1]Ten most common causes of death in the USA. The question is, can HRV help to reduce the mortality rate?. Low HRV is associated with: Heart disease Dementia (and to a lesser extent Alzheimer’s disease) Diabetes Depression and suicidal ideation HRV… Continue reading Surviving killer diseases with HRV

Why you can’t trust doctors any more

Let’s look at the evidence of the past couple of years. When the Covid pandemic broke out in February 2020, the International press announced it as a pandemic. By then it had spread to Italy. The World Health Organisation initially denied that it was a pandemic[1]The great vaccinate debate, and then suddenly changed their minds.… Continue reading Why you can’t trust doctors any more

Ten most common causes of death in the USA

This list is published in anticipation of our article covering the research that confirms how heart rate variability can be used to reduce mortality from the the most common causes of death in the USA. Our research has now been published and can be found here. 1. HEART DISEASE – 655,381 DEATHS PER YEAR Heart… Continue reading Ten most common causes of death in the USA

Generics – a simple way to reduce healthcare costs

Pharmaceuticals constitute 15.6% of worldwide healthcare costs. That number is already being reduced in countries that have adopted an active policy to use generic drugs instead of their more expensive branded equivalents. Understanding the mechanics is important. What are generics drugs? Generic drugs are the pharmaceutical equivalent of the original product that was covered under… Continue reading Generics – a simple way to reduce healthcare costs

Australia bans the use of the AstraZeneca vaccine

We’re all familiar with how the Australian government prevented Novak Djokovic from competing in the 2022 Australian open, kicking him out of the country and banning him from re-entry because he refused to be vaccinated for Covid. Now, they have egg on their face. The Australian government have had to withdraw the use of the… Continue reading Australia bans the use of the AstraZeneca vaccine

Why Insurance wastes money

Insurance is big business. It makes huge amounts of money. And it wastes money. At $5.23 trillion[1]Gross premiums written by the insurance industry worldwide 2000 to 2020, if it were a country, the insurance industry would be the world’s third largest economy. The arithmetic of how insurance works needs explaining. Insurance is a form of… Continue reading Why Insurance wastes money

The dependency ratio: it is changing governments

It’s impressive to see how the great minds of the 18th century understood today’s more pressing problems. In his opening chapters to the Wealth of Nations,[1]The Wealth of Nations Adam Smith explains in detail how the proportion of economically active people to those who are inactive is an important determinant in the wealth of a… Continue reading The dependency ratio: it is changing governments

Switzerland’s healthcare is now the world’s most expensive.

Switzerland’s healthcare is now the world’s most expensive. That should worry the people who have the responsibility to the citizens of this country, the FOPH, the politicians and the health insurers. It certainly worries us, the people who are paying for it.  On 24 January 2023, I wrote a letter to the members of the… Continue reading Switzerland’s healthcare is now the world’s most expensive.

Expedient exaggerations

In marketing there’s not such thing as a lie, it’s an expedient exaggeration. Cary Grant in Afred Hitchcock’s North by Northwest The pharmaceutical industry have very effective marketing departments who have turned science into an expedient exaggeration. The industry generates $1.48 trillion annually[1]Global pharmaceutical industry – statistics & facts. It is subject to regulations that require… Continue reading Expedient exaggerations