In marketing there’s not such thing as a lie, it’s an expedient exaggeration. Cary Grant in Afred Hitchcock’s North by Northwest The pharmaceutical industry have very effective marketing departments who have turned science into an expedient exaggeration. The industry generates $1.48 trillion annually[1]Global pharmaceutical industry – statistics & facts. It is subject to regulations that require… Continue reading Expedient exaggerations
Category: Healthcare
What is healthy?
Worldwide, healthcare costs $9.5 trillion annually. If it were a country, it would be the world’s third largest economy. And it is in trouble. Healthcare, in it’s current form contributes nothing to an economy, because it it reactive, dealing with health issues as they happen. With aging populations, healthcare costs are increasing at an unsustainable… Continue reading What is healthy?
Breathing to improve your health
Wim Hof breathing improves HRV metrics We’re always interested when any of our users starts getting better HRV numbers. Recently a few of our users started to show the kinds of improvements we all dream about. What was even more interesting is that these are people whose numbers were already very good. They were emphatic… Continue reading Breathing to improve your health
Warum wird uns nicht die Wahrheit gesagt?
“There are three kinds of lies: lies, damned lies, and statistics” – Mark Twain HRV Health wurde gegründet, um die untragbaren Kosten des Gesundheitswesens in der Schweiz anzugehen. Von diesem Ziel sind wir weit entfernt. Seit ich vor viereinhalb Jahren hierhergekommen bin, hat sich mein Krankenkassenbeitrag um fast 27 % erhöht. Im selben Zeitraum hat… Continue reading Warum wird uns nicht die Wahrheit gesagt?
Mensonges et statistiques
“There are three kinds of lies: lies, damned lies, and statistics” – Mark Twain HRV Health a été créé pour faire face au coût insoutenable des soins de santé en Suisse. Nous sommes loin d’atteindre cet objectif. Depuis mon arrivée ici il y a quatre ans et demi, ma prime d’assurance maladie a augmenté de… Continue reading Mensonges et statistiques
The Healthcare crises
Healthcare costs are rising at an unsustainable rate. In America they are already 17.9% of GDP. The other rich economies are on the same trajectory. Yet even with their sophisticated healthcare systems, it is these same countries whose hospitals were overwhelmed during the Covid-19 pandemic. The data show us why. The countries that suffered the… Continue reading The Healthcare crises
Switzerland’s healthcare problem
Switzerland’s healthcare system is amongst the world’s best, when you need it, and the worst if you don’t need it or can’t afford it. Insurance premiums finance the health system. As with all insurance there is cross-subsidisation. But with Switzerland’s healthcare, it’s the poor subsidising the rich. Switzerland’s healthcare is the world’s second most expensive, after America.… Continue reading Switzerland’s healthcare problem