The HRV Health subscription plan

HRV Health has introduced a subscription plan for our more advanced features. The basic heart rate variability services remain free for users. The services which require a subscription are: ECG readings; Followers and following; Recovery including Poincaré plot; The ECG readings consume extraordinarily amounts of storage, and with some users abusing this, it has become… Continue reading The HRV Health subscription plan

Using HRV Health Android version 3

The Android HRV Health version 3 has been released in the Google Play store. It has the same functionality as the iOS HRV Health Pro app, only better. Connecting to the Polar 10 heart rate monitor (HRM) Before you start, you need to ensure that you the Polar H10 strap, snugly fitted around your chest,… Continue reading Using HRV Health Android version 3

Using the HRV Health Pro app

Using the HRV Health Pro app simplifies the registration process and allows users take readings, and see their results all from within the app. Download the app from the App Store. You must be wearing you Polar H9 or H10 heart rate monitor (HRM) when registering for the first time. The first screen that appears… Continue reading Using the HRV Health Pro app

Trouble shooting the HRV Health apps

HRV Health Basic The HRV Health Basic app is designed as a very simple data acquisition interface for the Polar H9 and H10 heart rate monitors. Once users have registered the device on the app, collecting data is very easy. There are few things that can go wrong. The most common occur during setup. After… Continue reading Trouble shooting the HRV Health apps

What to do when you are ill

What do you do when your HRV figures plummet and you don’t feel well. Low HRV figures are a signal. Athletes see it when they take a reading immediately after an intense workout. Post workout readings are dramatic. The reading an hour later shows the powers of recovery, with numbers often better than the morning… Continue reading What to do when you are ill

Your heart is your personal pathologist

Resting heart rate and heart rate variability (HRV) are metrics that give consistent feedback on our health status and fitness. As we get fitter, our resting heart rate drops. Elite athletes have a resting heart rate in the mid 30s.  Why HRV is important?  The heart beat forms one of the most important indicators of… Continue reading Your heart is your personal pathologist

HRV Health: what should you read?

For new HRV Health members the amount of material appears overwhelming. This guide will make it less daunting. Heart Rate Variability (HRV) is a science. While it’s been around for decades it’s only recently become a topic which has touched the fringes of public consciousness. This article explains the amazing benefits of measuring HRV: The… Continue reading HRV Health: what should you read?