Breathing to improve your health

Wim Hof breathing improves HRV metrics We’re always interested when any of our users starts getting better HRV numbers. Recently a few of our users started to show the kinds of improvements we all dream about. What was even more interesting is that these are people whose numbers were already very good. They were emphatic… Continue reading Breathing to improve your health

Warum wird uns nicht die Wahrheit gesagt?

“There are three kinds of lies: lies, damned lies, and statistics” – Mark Twain HRV Health wurde gegründet, um die untragbaren Kosten des Gesundheitswesens in der Schweiz anzugehen. Von diesem Ziel sind wir weit entfernt. Seit ich vor viereinhalb Jahren hierhergekommen bin, hat sich mein Krankenkassenbeitrag um fast 27 % erhöht. Im selben Zeitraum hat… Continue reading Warum wird uns nicht die Wahrheit gesagt?

Mensonges et statistiques

“There are three kinds of lies: lies, damned lies, and statistics” – Mark Twain HRV Health a été créé pour faire face au coût insoutenable des soins de santé en Suisse. Nous sommes loin d’atteindre cet objectif. Depuis mon arrivée ici il y a quatre ans et demi, ma prime d’assurance maladie a augmenté de… Continue reading Mensonges et statistiques

Lies, damn lies, and statistics

“There are three kinds of lies: lies, damned lies, and statistics” – Mark Twain HRV Health was created to address the unsustainable cost of healthcare in Switzerland. We are far from meeting that objective. Since arriving here four and a half years ago, my health insurance premium has increased by almost 27%. Over the same period… Continue reading Lies, damn lies, and statistics

Using HRV Health Android version 3

The Android HRV Health version 3 has been released in the Google Play store. It has the same functionality as the iOS HRV Health Pro app, only better. Connecting to the Polar 10 heart rate monitor (HRM) Before you start, you need to ensure that you the Polar H10 strap, snugly fitted around your chest,… Continue reading Using HRV Health Android version 3

COVID-19 vaccination efficacy in Switzerland

On 28 November 2021, Switzerland passed one million COVID-19 infections, in a country with a population just short of 8.8 million[1] At that point 11,488 people in Switzerland had died from the virus. At the same time, 67% of the country had been vaccinated[2]  As of today, some six months later, just short of 14,000… Continue reading COVID-19 vaccination efficacy in Switzerland

Recovering from illness or injury using HRV

HRV is the measure of the immune system. Both injury and illness cause a drop in the HRV metrics, particularly the resting heart rate and the rMSSD. HRV provides an accurate measure of the recovery process. The affliction may require a period of bed rest, decreasing fitness, muscle mass and tone, making it difficult for… Continue reading Recovering from illness or injury using HRV